Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Netflix DVD wins 2012

This month marks my ninth anniversary with Netflix. I still love Netflix, but 2012 was not a big movie year for me. My attendance at the movies was way down for several reasons. I worked longer hours. The people I usually go to the movies with were less available, due to work and school commitments. After seeing over two thousand movies in the last eight years, my interest in movies is flagging. I'm more particular in my taste. I've completed some great movie lists: AFI, Academy Awards, Leonard Maltin, and almost all of the 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. You can see my progress at I Check Movies.

I saw 136 movies in 2012

73 were on Netflix DVD
21 on Netflix Instant via Roku
37 at a theater or other public venue
5 were on DVD from another source

1 comment:

  1. Jeez. I went to theaters seven times. I just very rarely go even if I anticipate and expect a movie. In the past several years I've averaged about five a year. My Netflix tally is a lot. I haven't counted, but I stream stuff almost everyday and with my two-out plan, get at least four discs a week. The only other place I get DVDs is from the library and that was probably less than fifteen for the year.
