Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Netflixia is back

Jason is having Netflix Guilt, which I discovered a coupla years ago was called Netflixia. It's what afflicts you when you can't seem to get around to watching that "great" movie, but you don't want to return it unwatched, because that's wasteful.

Hogwash!! I say send the darn thing back whence it came! One man's trash is another man's treasure. You're probably sitting on a movie that I'm waiting for. Get another one! There's thousands more where that came from. Why suffer over one movie now and then? They aren't funerals. You're allowed to skip them.

Inspired by Krook's Rag and Bottle


  1. Not me. I watch (and sometimes suffer through) all Netflix DVDs within a week of their arrival. Waste not, want not says I. That said, the suffering bit doesn't happen often since I rearrange the queue several times a week according to my current mood.

  2. I've never skipped a Netflix in all my years, but there have been a few I held onto for too long.

  3. Yes, Andrew. You should report it "lost" and get on with your life.

  4. Yes Andrew, you should even own up to the fact that you lost it and pay the $20 fine. Otherhwise, you're going to keep paying them $6 a month for it indefinitely.
