Monday, November 01, 2004

Mislabelled disc--The Man Who Knew Too Much

I queued the 1934 version of The Man Who Knew Too Much on Netflix. It was the only one of Alfred Hitchcock's films that he later remade. What they delivered to me instead was the 1955 remake of the same film. I am reporting it to Netflix as mislabelled, but I've run into this problem with Netflix before. Because both movies share the same title and director, you can imagine how difficult it would be to convince them they have made a mistake. Therefore, I am not even going to try. I just wanted to warn you, in case you have your heart set on seeing the 1934 version, and you get your discs from the Greensboro shipping center.


  1. The 1934 version is included in Walmart's $1 DVDs. It would probably be a lot less trouble to just go buy it.

  2. True. But would I have to dig through one of those big bins?

  3. [VoiceOver] Keanu Reeves is.. the man who knew to much!
    [Camera pans on Keanu]
    Keanu: Whoa! I know too much!
