Monday, August 08, 2005

Video-game rental sites put to the test

The Orange County Register reviews online video-game rental sites GPlay, Gamelender, RentZero, GameFly, and Intelliflix regarding selection, customer service, and delivery. Read it.. I didn't see a clear winner. If you've tried any of these, which would you recommend?

1 comment:

  1. Gamefly has a wonderful selection but they are shady.... After a few retwurns they start delaying there shipments by saying they haven't received the game back. I mailed two games back from the same place at the same time and they said they only received one. I was paying for a two game at a time subscription but was only getting one game. After numerous complaints, I threatened to cancel my sunscription then the miraculously received the game back. I wanted them to credit me the difference in membership fees (from one game to two games) they refused so I cancelled my membership. I am currently looking for another service, any suggestions????
