Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Netflix did a bang-up job today

I returned five DVDs yesterday. I knew better, but I did it anyway. We were iced in this past weekend :). Anyhow, Netflix received all five today, and shipped four more. One is shipping tomorrow. I'd say that's pretty good. According to my account history, I have rented 21 discs from Netflix in the last 30 days. I've rented 65 in the last 90 days. Shouldn't they be "throttling" me? I just want to say, the Greensboro distribution center is the BEST.


  1. I'm usually pretty pleased with the flushing return center. I will be putting 3 dvds in the mail tonight will hopefully go out tomorrow and maybe have something by saturday. This is a little experiment as I have had these ready to return for longer but I want to see.

    I am on 5 at a time now but will be returning to 3 soon because I am pretty busy.

    Here is a question-if you quit netflix and want to rejoin do you have to redo your queue? or is it saved somewhere?

  2. I've noticed Lansing's service has gotten better in the last week, however the preceeding five weeks before that were horrible. I plan on cancelling my account for a while, letting it settle into a privledged status again, then getting the service you seem to.

  3. Cancelling and registering for these services is so simple, fast, and easy, that you could switch services every month if you wanted to.

  4. About a week ago, half the movies in my Netflix queue went to "Very Long Wait." Fortunately, as they get to the top of the queue, they have become available. Has anyone else had similar experiences?

  5. yeah I highly recommended canceliing every few months. it takes a couple of minutes. With all the free software out there to handle your netflix account it takes me about 20 seconds do reinsert my whole que.

    I let my netflix go fallow for six weeks (signed up to blockbuster during that time), and re subscribed. my films started coming at a reasonable turnaround again with the new account.

    two minutes to set up a new yahoo account and two mintues to set up a new netflix account.

    As an asside I have foudn that the old saw about blockbuster not having as many titles is wrong. I went to rent cleopatra with liz taylor at netflix - could not find it - but blockbuster online has it. right now they seem to have more titles than netflix.
