Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Netflix's search better than Blockbuster's

Rafiki Yango found that he was searching for the movie Innerspace incorrectly, using the search string "Inner Space" instead. Netflix is smart enough to know what he meant. Blockbuster, however, is not.

1 comment:

  1. This may be true however I've found GreenCine's search engine superior to both. While watching trailers on a DVD I rented, I came across an anime entitled "Seven of Seven" (that's exactly as it was listed on the trailer). I was at a loss when I tried to find the title at Netflix. I had to search deeper and deeper in search results trying to find this before I gave up. Then I tried searching at GreenCine. GreenCine listed exactly what I was looking for on the first result. True, Netflix lets you type in misspellings but the matches are irrelevant.
