Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Too much of a good thing?

Neil Van Dyke loves Netflix, but he has three problems with them. He writes:
The only nits I have to pick with Netflix so far are:
1. the weekends and 1-day shipping mean that if you watch one DVD a day for 3 days in a row, you often won't have a DVD for the 4th day;
[Yes, I sometimes get food at restaurants that is too hot and fresh, too.]

I don't know what Netflix can do about this next one, except keep releasing movies:
2. the $18/mo. is slightly higher than I'd like, and will probably mean that I cancel my subscription once I've caught up on all the films I want to see;
This is something Netflix could fix:
3. if you report a DVD as damaged and ask for a replacement, there's no way to cancel that replacement, even if won't ship for another 2 days.


  1. I don't know of any plug-ins, but here are three posts I've done about using RSS feeds to put your queue in your Web site or blog.

    This one displays it in a box.

    This one uses Feedburner.

    This one uses Flash.

  2. Burn your Netflix RSS feed into Feedburner. Use BuzzBoost, on the Publicize tab, to get the HTML. Copy and paste the HTML into your Blogger template in the sidebar.

    If you need more help, email me. My email address is in my Blogger profile.
