Monday, February 20, 2006

Netflix as a substitute for TV watching

If it's true, as Nielson Media reports, that Americans watch an average of 4.5 hours of television per day, then my Netflix habit is within normal parameters.

I do not watch cable, DVR, satellite, or broadcast television. I use my television to watch nothing but movies on VHS or DVD.

Since January 1, 2006, I have watched 77 movies from all sources, including 24 from Netflix and 13 in theatres. Today is the 51st day of the year. If each film averaged 1.5-2.0 hours in length, then I watched an average of 2.5-3.0 hours of movies per day. So I spent less time on Netflix rentals than the average person spent in front of regular TV.

Inspired by My Netflix Journal-February 19, 2006


  1. I can't believe you have the amount of mental energy to average over a movie a night. I come home from work, watch one movie, and get really tired. 77 movies is really impressive. I've watched 37 this year and that felt like a lot.

  2. I would argue that there is almost zero incentive to watch live tv these days-something like 70% of ALL Tv SHows that ever existed are on DVD (which seems plausible since TV is a "younger" medium than film)

    Sure I heard a few spoliers about Lost Season one (the numbers!!! The hatch!!!!) but it really did not diminish my enjoyment of watching the story unfold. I get a really satisfying feeling from watching an entire season of TV in just a few days.

  3. I'm looking forward to catching Lost on DVD, once I finish with my movie list.

    Sometimes I have to hit pause and catch a little shut-eye before I can finish the movie :).

  4. You should see with whom I am competing. Next to some of these guys, I look pretty lame.

  5. Is it too late to sign up for the list for this year? I probably won't get many more than 200 but I love the lists as well. Can't believe I've never seen that site.

  6. You are welcome to join Listology at any time. It's free. All you need to do is create a user name and password. Once you have signed up, create a numbered list of movies you've seen so far this year which meet the criteria. Then post a comment on the scoreboard discussion with a link to your list, and you'll be included in the scoreboard when it's updated.
